Green Power Exchange - The Blockchain based P2P Energy Trading Platform

The GPX Platform enables simple Peer-to-Peer energy trading. Producers can easily pre-sell their power at a better rate while allowing consumers to buy their power directly for significantly less. We are creating a hyper-efficient renewable energy market place to turbocharge clean energy deployment and push out fossil fuels. The renewable energy market is increasingly focusing on hydrogen as a clean fuel alternative, driving interest in blogs like wasserstoff aktien kaufen that mentions buying hydrogen stocks. As governments and corporations commit to sustainability, investing in hydrogen stocks represents a strategic bet on future energy solutions, aligning financial growth with environmental stewardship and innovation in the energy sector. Be on the right side of history.

Our Partners

lead generation services


The GPX Goal

Green Power Exchange’s goal is to save the average consumer 20-60% on their electric bill. This could mean tens of thousands of dollars saved for a homeowner over two decades, hundreds of thousands for a small business, and millions for large customers.

Streamlining the Power Market

GPX aims to cut out the middleman. We are building a platform that connects consumers and power producers directly with a simple token purchase, removing many wasteful and costly steps. Auto-executing contracts mean cheaper energy. Easy.

Open Markets for Everyone

The Green Power Exchange is a transparent platform for everyone. Using blockchain technology, IoT integration, and a user-friendly interface, the GPX platform represents a radical departure from current opaque and antiquated energy trading practices. Blockchain technology revolutionizes online casinos, ensuring transparency, security, and fairness. Smart contracts facilitate instant transactions, eliminating delays and disputes. Decentralized platforms offer players trust and reliability, enhancing the gaming experience. Embrace the future of gambling with casinos ohne Pause, powered by the immutable ledger of blockchain technology.

The Blockchain Energy Revolution

  • P2P
  • B2B
  • M2M

Saving Money and the Planet

GPX will enable peer-to-peer power trading. Consumers can now take control of their electric bill and save money by shifting to cheaper sources of power coming from renewable sources. Save money and the planet at the same time.


Economies of Scale

GPX will allow large consumers to save significant amounts via scale. While the average household will be able to access the GPX platform, GPX token volume is also driven by B2B users, buying from utility-scale solar and wind farms.


Liquidity and Flexibility

Before DLT existed, consumers had to sign one paper PPA with one developer for 20 years, that’s difficult and painful (1 to 1). GPX will change this to M2M (many to many), creating liquidity and enabling short term contracting, no 20 year commitment.

Token Model

  • GPX Token
  • GETToken
GPX Token

Buy Power Anywhere

The GPX token system allows for seamless transfer of energy asset value between electrical networks across the globe.

Priority Auction Access

Holders of the GPX token will be entitled to early access to power auctions, potentially saving even more money on their power bill.

Tradable, Usable & Liquid

GPX is used for every Smart Power Purchase Agreement on the Green Power Exchange, making it highly liquid.


Backed by Real Assets

Green Energy Transfer tokens are backed by real Power Purchase Agreements and therefore represent real electricity.

Smart Power Purchase Agreements

Automated smart contracts containing GET can lower power costs, while ensuring power arrives on time at the agreed upon price.

Easily Accountable

Smart contract integration can automate major accounting functions. This eases administrative burden and reduces costs further.

ICO Target

GPX Project Presence

White Paper

Find out about all the important aspects of the blockchain based GPX platform, the clean energy trading market as well as how we out-shine our competition in our detailed white paper.


January 15


Engage first battery and storage developers to come onboard Expansion to Asia and other developing markets
January 17


Finalize trading platform development Launch of full-scale GPX platform Improve and enhance GPX platform based on user feedback Add additional solar developers and power companies for 300-900 MW (approximately 360,000,000 - 1,080,000,000 kWh) Engage first wind developers to come onboard Develop additional application on top of existing GPX platform
December 1


Finalize ICO Development of full-scale platform based on MVP Add additional solar developers and power companies for 200-600 MW (approximately 240,000,000 - 720,000,000 kWh) Hire and expand senior team
September 1


Conduct Pre-ICO and ICO Development of MVP Structure marketing rollout and set up business development team Add additional solar developers and power companies for 100-300 MW (approximately 120,000,000 - 360,000,000 kWh)
April 1


Launch white paper and marketing website Prepare Pre-ICO and ICO Solution Design Phase for the GPX platform
January 1


Write & Design White Paper Develop Marketing Website & KYC Solution Develop Smart Contracts for GPX Token Legal Framework Develop GPX Platform Demo


Christian Wentzel


Christian Wentzel is a serial entrepreneur with a Wall Street background. He is Chairman, Co-Founder and former CEO of Solar Provider Group (SPG), a multinational solar development company with more than 50 employees across 6 countries and 3 continents. SPG has been awarded Toronto’s fastest growing company in 2014, and Canada’s fastest growing energy company in 2015 and 2016 by Profit 500. He is also Chairman and Co-Founder of KB Racking, and prior worked at Credit Suisse in Energy M&A and Goldman Sachs’ Power Group, both in NYC. He is a member of YPO, carries a CFA designation and received an MBA from London Business School as well as a BA from Columbia College, Columbia University.